Enjoy hundreds of the best classic movies in English language. Titles are arranged by category, so you only have to browse through categories and choose a movie to watch. The categories are: action, adventure, comedy, drama, family, fantasy, horror, musical, love, sci-fi, thriller, war and western.
Delight yourself with the performances of great actors and actresses as Charles Chaplin (Charlot), John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Marlon Brando, Ingrid Bergman, Shirley Temple or Debbie Reynolds and admire the outstanding work done by well-known film directors as: Orson Welles or Alfred Hitchcock.
Enjoy critically acclaimed classic movies such as: The Gold Rush, Meet John Doe, Rebecca, Stagecoach, A Farewell to Arms or Bells of St. Mary’s, amount others. Most of them American / Hollywood movies.
Cast the movies to the big screen with the Chromecast feature.
Note: The app is free to download. The movies are free to watch. No subscription needed!